Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy New Year!  We are so excited to get 2021 off to a strong and positive start with your children.  We have missed them greatly, and although this week (1/4-1/8) will be a week of Remote Learning for all, our teachers are ready to connect with the children virtually tomorrow morning.  Please remember that all students will be following a fully remote schedule from home this week, and Remote Learning Schedules are posted on our Elementary website at www.pvcsd.org.  In-school learners will return to the classrooms on Monday, January 11th.

Parents, if you have any questions about helping your children log onto Google Meets this week for their classroom teachers, support services, Specials classes, or any other meetings, please email me (mpodesta@pvcsd.org) or Mr. Chickery (tchickery@pvcsd.org).  We will also be able to take your phone calls at 845-528-8092.  We are here to help, and we look forward to supporting your children through this transitional week!

Please remember that during Google Meetings, parents and siblings should not be visible on the screen or heard in the background.  Your child’s camera should be turned on throughout the lesson.  Please take some today to help get your child set up in his/her learning space with all necessary learning materials ready and easy to access for all lessons tomorrow.  We thank you so much for your incredible support with this at-home learning.  We can’t wait to have everyone back on regular school schedules!

I do hope that you have enjoyed this holiday vacation and that the new year brings us all a sense of peace, invigoration, hope, and normalcy.  We at PVES are so fortunate to be working with such supportive families and incredible children.  Thank you for all you do to support our efforts!

Enjoy this snowy Sunday.  Let’s have a great start to the week, and to 2021!


Dr. Podesta
