Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that the month of December has started off on a happy and healthy note for all of you.  Thank you for your support last week as we had to quickly adjust to three consecutive days of remote learning for our students.  It was wonderful to have them all back in the building on Thursday and Friday.  If we must return to remote learning at any point, we will have a quicker, more efficient process for distributing laptops for students.  Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Please be reminded that laptops must be returned to school in the same condition as when they were borrowed, and they must be returned by an adult.  If students attend Children’s Center in the morning, parents may drop off laptops there.  Otherwise, we will always arrange for an early morning drop off at our main entrance.

Our calendar has been adjusted so that Monday, December 21 through Wednesday, December 23rd, are now remote learning days.  Our holiday break will then begin on Thursday, December 24th, and will last through Friday, January 1st.  Schools will plan to reopen on Monday, January 4th.

The temperatures look to be cooler for this week, and students will continue to go outside for recess and possibly Physical Education each day.  Please be sure that the children are dressed to play outside, and that they have warm jackets and hats if necessary.  Fresh air is good for all of us!

Thank you for keeping your children home if they are experiencing any symptoms of sickness, or if you feel your child or any of your family members may have been exposed to the virus.  If you ever have any questions, you may email me or our school nurse, Mrs. Kathy Hill, at khill@pvcsd.org.

Have a healthy and productive week ahead.  We are all looking forward to a great start to the week!

Dr. Podesta
