Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

We are having a festive day here at PVES, with lots of orange, black, and purple clothing!  Our students bring the joy to every day, and although Halloween is a bit different this year, we are having a healthy and happy day here. Thank you all for your support and cooperation with all we are doing in the best interests of the children!

The PVEF Trunk or Treat is taking place tomorrow, at 11:00 AM, in the middle school parking lot! Go enjoy some safe Halloween fun at this drive-by event! Thank you to the Putnam Valley Education Foundation for all they do for our entire school district!

The month of November is a very busy one in our school.  Please check the calendar carefully for school closures, parent conference dates, and holidays.  Schools will be closed on this Tuesday, November 3rd, for Superintendent’s Conference Day.  Schools will also be closed on November 11th for Veteran’s Day, November 13th for PVES parent/teacher conferences, and November 25th, 26th, and 27th, for Thanksgiving.  The 12:00 noon dismissal for parent/teacher conferences will take place on Thursday, November 19th.  (Parent conferences for Special Area teachers will take place that afternoon and evening, and teacher conferences are being scheduled for that night).  Please be sure you have reached out to all of your child’s teachers to set up these important first quarter conferences.  Brief narrative Progress Reports will be provided to you to help with this school/home communication.

Our PTA Virtual Book Fair will be coming soon!  This virtual event will be taking place from Monday, November 16th through Friday, November 20th!  What a great opportunity this will be to purchase wonderful books and holiday gifts!

I have an important message about any school days that are delayed due to inclement weather.  In the event of a 2 or 3-hour delay, our students will be staying at school longer in the afternoon, in order to protect instructional time. Therefore, if we must delay the start of school due to snowy roads, our students will be dismissed at 3:30 PM.  The bus routes will be the same as on other days, but buses will leave PVES at 3:30 instead of 2:45 PM.  Please plan on adjusting your pick-up times on School Delay days if they should occur.

Please check our website for our classroom Remote Schedules that would be used in the event of a COVID-related school closure.  If a closure or quarantine should occur, your students would follow their daily schedules remotely with their classroom teachers, specialists, and special classes (gym, art, music, technology) throughout the school day.  Google Meet links are posted on these schedules, which can be found on the top right of our elementary website in red.  Hopefully, we won’t need to use these schedules, but it is good to be prepared!

Enjoy the weekend ahead! May the month of November be a peaceful and healthy one for all! Please check for details about our Thanksgiving Food Drive!

Happy Halloween!

Dr. Margaret Podesta
