Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

As the weeks of summer begin to wind down, I hope that you are enjoying your time together and staying healthy!  We at PVES have been extremely busy getting ready for the new school year, and we look forward to welcoming both our in-school students and our remote learning students to their new PVES learning communities!  We have taken great care to design our classrooms and our master schedule so that all required safety regulations are followed.  We thank you in advance for your patience and your cooperation with all of our efforts.  We are making necessary adjustments where needed, but your children are in very good hands!

Dr. Luft sent out an email yesterday letting you all know of the slight changes to our start of school calendar for PVES.  Please be sure that your neighbors and friends are aware of these calendar changes which allow for a safe, smooth and orderly start to school:

Tuesday, September 8th

  • Students in Grades 3 & 4 attend school for in-person instruction (full day).
  • Students in Grades 1 & 2 will NOT attend school on this day but will participate in virtual class meetings. Parents of students in these grades will be invited to schedule virtual meetings or phone calls with their child’s teachers.
  • All remote learners (1-4) will begin their communication with their classroom teachers and launch a wonderful semester of learning.
  • Kindergarten students – no school on this day, but individual screening appointments at PVES will take place

Wednesday, September 9th:

  • Students in Grades 1 & 2 attend school for in-person instruction (full day).
  • Students in Grades 3 & 4 will NOT attend school on this day but will participate in virtual class meetings. Parents of students in these grades will be invited to schedule virtual meetings or phone calls with their child’s teachers.
  • All remote learners (1-4) will continue their communication with their classroom teachers and take part in distance learning.
  • Kindergarten students – no school on this day, but individual screening appointments at PVES will take place

Thursday, September 10th:

  • Students in Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 will attend school for in-person instruction (full day).
  • Remote learners (1-4) will participate in their daily distance learning and communication.
  • Kindergarten students – no school on this day, but individual screening appointments at PVES will take place

Friday, September 11th … (and onward!)

  • Students in Grades Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, and 4 will attend school for in-person instruction (full day). Welcome, Kindergarten classes!
  • Kindergarten remote learners will begin instruction
  • Remote learners (K-4) will participate in their daily distance learning and communication.

Please be reminded that all staff and students must wear masks inside the buildings at all times except during lunch and during scheduled classroom mask breaks. We thank you all for your cooperation!  Safety is our top priority.

School supply lists for each grade level will be posted on our website by the end of this week.  Our elementary student families will be receiving an email notifying you of student class placement by Monday, August 31st.  With this information, you will also be receiving a Welcome Letter from your child’s teacher which may list some additional supplies that will be needed this year.  We are all looking forward to learning and growing together!

I will be reaching out to you again soon to provide more details about Arrival and Dismissal procedures at PVES this year.  As you know, our elementary school day will end before 2:45 PM each day.  Please plan on that as you design your fall schedules.

Even with the many challenges that exist at this time, I want you to know that our teachers, administrators, and support staff cannot wait to work with your children.  These precious students are worth our every effort, and we have all missed them so very much.

Take good care.  I will be in touch again soon.

Dr. Podesta
