Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that you enjoyed this gorgeous day!  As you know, we have three more days of instruction this year, with distance learning ending on Wednesday, June 17th.  Thank you again for the incredible support you have provided for your children, and thank you to our amazing faculty members who have stepped up to teach from home, with very little notice or preparation time.  Together, we have made it through this incredible time in history, and our students will remember how their school community stayed together.  The learning and lifelong lessons will continue, and we will all grow from all that is going on in the world around us.

Congratulations and best wishes to our school psychologist, Mrs. Mary Sullivan, on the birth of her son, Michael Richard Sullivan, born this past Tuesday, June 9th.  We are all so happy to celebrate the news, and we wish Mary and her husband Michael all the very best at this special time.

We look forward to an amazing Field Day week ahead!  Families can choose a day to participate. Thank you to our Physical Education teachers for arranging such a wonderful event for our students!  For more information, please see the link below!

Field Day at Home 2020

Report Cards will be emailed to you late in the day on Friday, June 19th.  These PVES June 2020 Report Cards will be narrative in style, and they will have a different format for this semester.  Hard copies of the Report Card will be mailed to you after June 22nd, along with information about our modified Summer Reading Challenge.  Libraries are beginning to open up, according to state regulations, and many reading books can be found online.  Please encourage your child to read every single day throughout the summer.  I’m sure you will enjoy many books together.

Our Student Supply Pick-up and Drop-off Days are scheduled according to grade level from Monday, June 22nd through Wednesday, June 24th.  Staff members will be available to help with these events.  All borrowed laptops must be returned on these days.  If you feel your child is in need of a school laptop for educational review over the summer months, these will be available in early July.  (These cannot be the same laptops that are being borrowed now, as they will need to be updated over the summer).  For more information related to borrowing summer laptops, please click on this link:  https://forms.gle/rPyUVyeShuDHhJEPA

For the Supply Pick-up Dates, we ask that all parents follow these instructions:

Please have the first and last name of the student and the teacher’s name on the inside of the windshield of your car, clearly visible. Please make sure all items being returned are CLEARLY LABELED with your child’s name.  These will include completed schoolwork, library books (with sticky note with student name), laptops with sticky note, musical instruments, Safety Patrol belts, and classroom reading books.  As the cars proceed up the entrance to the school, they will be guided to drive past the front of the school and around the grass circle.  While circling the flagpole grassy area, family members will remain in cars and hand the returned materials to staff members at specific tables.  Student belongings will then be handed to you in your car.  Yearbooks will not be available for a few weeks.  We will make this a safe, organized, and efficient process for each grade level.  The schedule for these events is below:

Monday, June 22:

9:00-11:00  Grade 4 Drop-off/Pick up

12:00-2:00  Grade 3 Drop-off/Pick up

Tuesday, June 23:

9:00-11:00  Grade 2 Drop-off/Pick up

12:00-2:00  Grade 1 Drop-off/Pick up

Wednesday, June 24:

9:00-11:00  Grade K Drop-off/Pick up

12:00-2:00  Drop-off/Pick up for anyone who missed Grade Level time

If you are unable to attend your child’s grade level supply event, we will be available at school over the summer months for supply pick-up and return.

I would like to thank our Character Education and Diversity Committee for the work they have done and the planning they are doing in providing resources for students, parents, and teachers for our continued studies of social justice, respect and kindness, anti-racism, and anti-bullying.  This extremely important work will continue and deepen in the year ahead.  Please visit this Character Education Committee’s updated website to find resources to share with your family.

Enjoy the beautiful week ahead. We look forward to celebrating our Fourth Graders this week, as they prepare to move to the Middle School! Fourth Grade families have received information about the Grade 4 Farewell Drive-By!

We are wrapping up an incredible year. Thank you always for your support and cooperation. Stay well and enjoy the sunshine!


Dr. Podesta


