Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

As we wrap up the month of May, I want to thank you all for the wonderful home/school supports you are providing for your children.  I know that many of you are in touch with your child’s teachers on a regular basis, and the children continue to amaze us with their creativity and resilience.  Better days are coming, and we truly appreciate your partnership during this time of distance learning.  Most importantly, I hope that you and yours are safe and healthy.  It’s certainly a good sign that the state is starting to “open up” a bit.

Our final day of instruction will be Friday, June 19th.  For the next three weeks, our district has asked our teachers to focus on June “power standards” in both ELA and Math, in order to give the students a focused boost of learning in preparation for September.  Please know that these next three weeks of instruction are very important, and there will be a long, relaxing summer after that.  Thank you to the teachers for preparing these meaningful lessons.  We are all doing our very best to promote academic progress and growth through distance learning.

After instruction ends for the school year, all elementary parents will have the opportunity to drop off school materials and pick up student belongings in our elementary school parking lot.  Families will stay in cars while staff members help with the collection and distribution of materials.  This will help to ensure efficiency and safety with social distancing.  Please mark your calendars for the drop off/pick up times below:

Monday, June 22:

9:00-11:00  Grade 4 Drop-off/Pick up

12:00-2:00  Grade 3 Drop-off/Pick up

Tuesday, June 23:

9:00-11:00  Grade 2 Drop-off/Pick up

12:00-2:00  Grade 1 Drop-off/Pick up

Wednesday, June 24:

9:00-11:00  Grade K Drop-off/Pick up

12:00-2:00  Drop-off/Pick up for anyone who missed Grade Level time

More specific information will follow regarding these events, but it is important that you are aware of the scheduled dates for your child’s grade level. The “Grade 4 Farewell Drive-By” will take place with the entire staff on Friday, June 19th, from 12:30 to 2:00 PM at PVES.  We look forward to this very special event in honor of our fourth graders who are moving up to the middle school.

As you know, our elementary June Report Cards will be narrative in style this year.  These Report Cards will be emailed to you on Friday, June 19th.  Student class placement for 2020-21 will be sent to you in mid to late August.  Screening dates for incoming Kindergarten students will be scheduled at a later date.

Enjoy the week ahead.  Please remember to check the www.pvcsd.org website for more information about the upcoming School Budget Vote.

Thank you for all you are doing!


Dr. Margaret Podesta
