Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

As we remember our fallen soldiers this weekend, I would like to wish you a safe and relaxing Memorial Day Weekend.  This is such an important holiday in our nation, and many of our students have participated in learning activities this week that emphasize the meaning of Memorial Day.  Along with this, this date is a calendar signal that summer is coming, and we all look forward to better days.

As one more reminder, I am sharing the Student Information Sheet for all parents of students currently in grades Kindergarten through Grade 3.  These sheets should be emailed to me by Friday, May 29th, at mpodesta@pvcsd.org.  We ask that you do not make specific teacher requests, as teacher placement is not yet finalized for the coming school year.  We are busy planning for September! Link: Student Information Sheet

In the coming weeks, you will be hearing about your student’s grade level Drop Off/Pick Up days for school supply and personal belongings.  These days will be scheduled during the week of June 15th, and they will take place outside.  No students will enter the school building.  More information will follow, but I thank our PVES staff for beginning this organization process.

Our Fourth-Grade families will be invited to participate in a Farewell Drive-By on Friday, June 19th, from 12:30 to 2:00 at Putnam Valley Elementary School.  Our entire staff will be invited to participate in this special event for our 4th Graders.  Thank you for marking your calendar.

Our hallways are still quiet, but our distance learning continues.  Thank you for supporting your child’s learning and engagement with our PVES virtual classrooms.  Our teachers have become quite skilled at setting up exciting learning activities and interactive Google Meets with our students.  We have several more weeks of teaching and learning, and our classroom teachers will be designing lessons that focus on important learning points to prepare our students for September.  Let’s all give it our very best for the next few weeks!  And then a well-deserved summer vacation will be here!

I am proud and honored to present this beautiful link that will bring you to a video created by several Putnam Valley parents as a tribute to our PVCSD staff.  Please sit back and enjoy this precious creation with your children.  Our staff was so excited to create a slideshow for our students, but to receive one back is so meaningful.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  We love our PV families! Link: https://youtu.be/5vE45RxlEnE

Please check the Weekly Notices for our last-minute yearbook orders.  There will be no school on this Monday, May 25th.  Let’s plan for a great start together on Tuesday morning!

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Dr. Margaret Podesta
