Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Welcome to the month of March, Women’s History Month! This new month certainly came in like a lamb this year, and we are almost heading to spring without much snow to speak of at all. Please remember to turn your clocks forward one hour this Saturday. We will lose an hour of sleep this weekend, but the extra daylight hours will be enjoyed!

We are reminding all students and staff to be extra conscientious about using good health habits. Students are reminded to wash hands frequently, and to avoid touching their faces. Teachers are sharing handwashing videos to help educate children on how to cleanse hands of germs more thoroughly. Please remember to stay in close touch with our school nurse, Mrs. Kathy Hill, and to keep your child home if she or he is sick. Children should be fever-free for at least 24 hours before returning to school after being ill. As you know, our schools are being cleaned thoroughly on a daily basis in order to stop the spread of any germs. As I have been saying, we have a very healthy building right now, and we want it to stay that way!

Our fourth graders are eagerly preparing for their Science/Maker Fair, which will take place on Wednesday, March 18th. We are enjoying our collaboration with the Science Honor Society students from PVHS. This weekend, I understand that the Putnam Valley Library will be hosting a Science Fair Help Session on Saturday, March 7th, from 10 AM to 4 PM. Please see their Facebook Events page for more details. We thank the Library for its community support!

Our Kindergarten students enjoyed a full week of loving literacy by celebrating the birthday of Dr. Seuss! The PTA Seuss event will take place in our auditorium tonight at 6:00!

Please be reminded that there will be no school for students on this Friday, March 13th, as this is a Superintendent’s Conference Day for the PV faculty. On Tuesday, March 17th, all staff and students are welcome to wear green in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. And today, March 6th, is PV Pride Day, and we are seeing lots of blue and white to show off our PV pride! We enjoy celebrating these special days together!

Congratulations to our former Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Frances Wills, who was just appointed as a New York State Board Regent! We are so proud of our Dr. Wills, and we know the New York State educational system will benefit from her wisdom and her passion for learning.

Our children are making great strides in their academic learning at this point in the year! We are now midway through the 3rd quarter of our school year, and our students continue to amaze us with their progress. Our RULER approach provides us with a foundation of vocabulary to help talk about feelings and moods. We begin each day by acknowledging our moods and using strategies to help make it a positive day of learning.

Enjoy the weekend ahead! It seems like spring would like to make an early appearance this year, and our playground is being used for recess almost every day!

Thanks for all you do!
Ms. Podesta
