Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy weekend!  We have had a very full four days this week at PVES, and we look forward to another exciting week of learning ahead as we wrap up the first month of 2020. Congratulations to our amazing Kindergarten classes who performed for their families during a Chinese New Year celebration this past week.  The students shared their songs and new vocabulary that they are learning through the pilot Mandarin Chinese Program brought to us by Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES this year. This exciting event was enjoyed by all, and I thank the Kindergarten team and our Mandarin teaching assistants for all of their wonderful work with our students.  What a special start to the new year!

Our fourth graders will perform their Winter Concert on Wednesday, January 29th, at 7:00 PM in our auditorium. Thank you to Mrs. Calhoun and to Mrs. Bennett for their excellent efforts with our young musicians and vocalists. We are looking forward to a great show!

Our fourth graders are also beginning to hear more about the upcoming Science/Maker Fair, which will take place on Wednesday, March 18th, during the school day and in the evening. Information will be sent home with students this week.  We look forward to working cooperatively again with our PVHS Science Honor Society students in preparation for this great night of learning and innovation.

Parents, please be reminded that dismissal notes are needed in the morning for any change of regular dismissal plans for your students.  If changes in plans occur, a phone call or an email to Ms. Sillery (dsillery@pvcsd.org) in our office is needed by 2:00 PM.  We are beginning to receive emails and calls regarding dismissal plan changes at the very end of the school day, and this does not help to keep our dismissal safe and orderly.  It can also be upsetting for the child. Thank you for your cooperation with this important matter.

This upcoming week is the final week of the second quarter, and Report Cards will be available online in the late afternoon on Friday, January 31st.  This marks the mid-point of the school year.  Report Cards will also be mailed via U.S. mail after Friday.  We encourage you to reach out to your child’s teachers if you have any questions about academic progress or behavioral concerns. This is the perfect time of year to set new learning goals, reestablish strong work and reading routines, and communicate with the school about your child’s progress.  If I can be of any assistance, please contact me.

This Friday, January 31st will be Sports Jersey Day in our school, in celebration of Super Bowl Season! All staff and students are invited to wear football jerseys, sports shirts, or team shirts from local, school, or professional sports teams.  We love sharing these special days with our learning community.

We are enjoying great winter weather for outdoor play each day.  Please make sure your child wears a warm jacket and safe shoes for recess on our blacktop.  The fresh air helps to beat those winter germs.

Thank you for your positive energy and enthusiasm for your child’s growth and learning.  This makes all the difference.


Ms. Podesta

