Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy Friday! We have had a very busy week at PVES, and we thank you for attending your child’s parent conferences at the end of this first quarter. If you did not receive a hard copy of the brief Progress Report, it will be mailed to you via U.S. mail. Report Cards will be available at the end of January. However, if you have questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Our 3rd and 4th Grade Gym Show will be taking place on this Wednesday, November 20th, at 7:00 PM. Please join us for a great night of dance and athletics. We congratulate our wonderful student athletes on the hard work they have done to prepare for this event.

The Kindergarten Show will be taking place on Friday, November 22nd, at 1:30. Kindergarten parents are invited to come in and see our youngest students up on the PVES stage for the first time. It is sure to make you smile!

Our Thanksgiving break will begin on Wednesday, November 27th. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday, December 2nd.

Thank you so much for your contributions to the Holiday Food Drive. These food donations make such a difference to families in need, and we thank you for your generosity.

Please mark your calendar for the PTA Holiday Reads Event on Saturday, December 7th, from 11:00 to 2:00 PM. Please join your child for a holiday story, hot chocolate and cookies, and wonderful crafts. We thank our volunteers for making this possible.

Enjoy the weekend ahead. We thank you for helping to start our second quarter of the school year off in a positive and productive way!

Ms. Podesta
