Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy October! We have a busy and productive month ahead! The students are settling nicely into their new schedules and routines, and strong work and reading habits are being supported both at school and at home. Thank you for helping to establish these important routines, and for sharing the love of reading with your child. This school year is off to such a wonderful start!

Tomorrow, Friday, October 4th, all schools will dismiss 15 minutes early, as part of an Emergency Dismissal Drill. Please make plans to be sure that a designated adult is at the bus stop early for your elementary student tomorrow afternoon. Thank you for your cooperation.

Tomorrow is also our Fire Prevention Day. Thank you to our local PV Fire Department for visiting our school to help us all learn more about fire safety.

Our School Picture Day will be on Monday, October 7th. All classes will follow the photo schedule that has been shared with teachers for the day. Please check your PTA emails, and the PTA website for picture ordering information.

The October calendar is a busy one! Schools will be closed on Wednesday, October 9th, in honor of Yom Kippur. Schools will also be closed on Monday, October 14th, in honor of Columbus Day. Students will be invited to bring their Halloween costumes to school on Thursday, October 31st, so that they can wear them in the afternoon during a staff and student event. And, the Fall Scholastic Book Fair will be held at our school from October 28th through November 1st. Please contact the PTA if you are able to help with this event!

Tomorrow is the first Friday of the new month in school, and so it will be our October PV Pride Day. Each month, on this first Friday, all staff and students are invited to wear blue and white, to represent our PV Pride! As you know, we have many reasons to be proud, and this pride starts with our wonderful students!

I hope that many of you can attend the PVEF Color Run on this Sunday, October 6th, at the PV Town Park. This exciting event begins at 2:00. Thank you to the Putnam Valley Education Foundation for all that they do for our school district.

Enjoy the cooler fall weather that has finally arrived. I know many of our students have been enjoying apple and pumpkin picking on the weekends. Family time is so important. Enjoy!!

Thank you for all you do for your children every single day.

Ms. Podesta
