Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Happy PV Pride Day!  The exciting month of June is off to a great start at PVES, and we have all been enjoying the nice weather and outdoor learning activities.  I want to thank our Sustainability Team, especially Mrs. Bruno and Mrs. Broas, for providing our students in Grades 1-4 with our first Sustainability Festival this week.  Our students were outside rotating through very informative and important learning stations, and our wonderful volunteer presenters taught us all so much about our environment and protecting our planet for the future. Thank you for your generous donations to a local food pantry, and for your efforts to provide your child with a trash-free lunch.  This was an amazing day, and I thank all those involved! Our Kindergarten students will be having their Sustainability Day this coming week!

As you know, PVES students will now be dismissing at 12:30 PM on Tuesday, June 25th.  We sincerely apologize for the late notice on this earlier dismissal, and we understand that this can cause stress with childcare.  The Children’s Center will not be open on that day until 3:00, but the elementary buses will leave the school at 12:30. (The Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony will take place that morning, and most fourth graders will be leaving with their families by 11:45).  If you are not sure if you have childcare available for your elementary student between the hours of 12:30 and 3:00, please email me directly.  We would like to help if we can.  My direct email is mpodesta@pvcsd.org.  Thank you!  We are happy to work together!

The second grade Fairy Tale Show is quickly approaching!  Second grade families will receive more information on this adorable performance, which will take place on Friday, June 14th.  Good luck to our talented performers!  Our fourth-grade families will soon be receiving ticket information for the 4th Grade Moving Up Ceremony, which will be held on Tuesday, June 25th, at 10 AM.   Please remember that there will be a 12:30 dismissal on that day.

Our PVES Spirit Week will be held from June 17th through June 21st.  Please see the attached Spirit Week flyer to take note of the themes for dress each day!  This is a wonderful week for our students and staff, filled with joy and creativity! Thank you to our PTA for helping to organize this exciting week of PV Pride.  Our Field Day will be held on Thursday, June 20th, with a rain date of June 21st.

With only a couple of weeks left in this school year, please be sure to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s academic progress.  Report Cards will be available online and mailed by the last week of June.  And please plan on reading with your child daily throughout the summer.  You will soon be receiving information on our wonderful PVES Summer Reading Challenge!

Please check our school calendar carefully.  Our last day of school will be on Wednesday, June 26th, with a 12:00 dismissal for our elementary students.

Enjoy the beautiful weekend ahead!  We appreciate all that you do!

Ms. Podesta




