Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Our district Budget Vote will be taking place at the Putnam Valley Elementary School this Tuesday, May 15th, from 6 AM to 9 PM.  Please remind your friends and neighbors to come vote on this day.  The voting entrance is through the cafeteria door, not the main entrance of our building.  We will have extra security here to help manage the voting crowd, while our students have a full day of school.  It is important to remember that our cafeteria will be closed on Tuesday, so students who did not order a pizza lunch should bring a lunch from home that day.  Please mark your calendars!

Our Character Education Committee invites all of our students to come with their parents to our Earth Day Planting Day on Tuesday, May 15th, at 4:30.  You are welcome to help us beautify our school property for spring, and we welcome your donations of flowers and plants!  This is always a nice opportunity to enjoy nature with your children, and to help to celebrate our beautiful surroundings.  Thank you for joining us, and for your donations!

We were very busy this week at PVES, as we welcomed our newest Kindergarten students for their Kindergarten Screening days!  It is always a pleasure to tour our building with our newest families, and our students continue to make us so proud as they display their work and their wonderful behavior.  We also enjoyed two very busy Open Houses this week.  We thank all of you who were able to join us for these amazing opportunities to view your children’s work, marvel at their academic progress, and take pride as they show you around their place of learning.  They are so very proud.

Our entire school enjoyed a very important Sustainability assembly today.  This district-wide initiative gives us a combined focus of taking care of our Earth.  Beginning on Monday, May 14th, we are challenging all of our students and staff to bring in Trash-Free Lunches!  You can learn more about this challenge in our Weekly Notices.  The students were able to see ideas for using reusable food containers and water bottles, lunch boxes instead of disposable bags, and cloth napkins instead of paper napkins.  Thank you for supporting your children in this very important sustainability initiative, brought to us from our district C.E.L.F. Team (Children’s Environmental Literacy Foundation).

Please check the PTA website carefully (www.putnamvalleypta.org) for upcoming events!  Be sure to reserve the night of Thursday, June 21st, at 7:00 for our PV Hudson Valley Renegades Night!  Ticket information is located on the PTA website.  This is always a wonderful night of baseball, friendships, and fun!  We hope that you can join us!  Pocketbook Bingo will take place on Saturday, June 9th!

Thank you to all who supported our PTA Book Fair this week!  We also want to thank our amazing PTA volunteers who provided our staff with a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Lunch and a surprise Friday yogurt breakfast this week!  We greatly appreciate the fact that we work so closely with our parent community in order to provide the best school experience for our children.  Thank you again to our amazing teachers for all that they do, and to our school nurse, Kathy Hill, for making PVES such a safe place to learn and grow!

Our fourth graders will have a busy couple of weeks ahead, with their Revolutionary War Reenactment taking place on Thursday, May 17th, and their Spring Concert on Monday, May 21st, at 7 PM.  Our fourth-grade teachers have been able to meet with Middle School personnel to begin planning for a very smooth transition to fifth grade for all.  The next month and a half will go by very quickly!

I want to take a moment to wish all our mothers and grandmothers a very special Mother’s Day!  My hope is that you know how much you are appreciated for all that you do, each and every day.  Enjoy a beautiful day of rest and special treatment! You deserve it!

I look forward to seeing you all at our many upcoming events.  It’s a busy time, but we are so fortunate to be busy doing such wonderful things!

Enjoy the weekend!
Ms. Podesta
