Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Congratulations to our third and fourth graders on completing their NYS Math tests this week.  We are so very proud of our students who worked so hard and demonstrated all of the learning progress they have made this year!  Thank you to our amazing teachers who do such an outstanding job preparing our students with our rich curriculum that is directly aligned to the state learning standards.  We are so very proud, and hard work pays off!

Thank you to the PTA for the Arts in Ed Assembly that was organized for the Kindergarten classes this week.  Our youngest students enjoyed a literature-rich performance of “Pete the Cat” on Tuesday afternoon.  We are so grateful to our PTA for all they bring to our school.

We look forward to seeing you all at our Open House Nights on Monday and Wednesday of next week.  Families of students in Grades K-2 are invited to Open House at 7:00 on Monday.  Families of students in Grades 3-4 are invited to Open House at 7:00 on Wednesday.  Please take the time to visit our Specialists, including gym, music, art, technology, and academic support teachers.  Please enjoy viewing your students’ work and many fine accomplishments!

During the week of May 14th, our students and staff will be invited to bring in Trash-Free Lunches throughout the week! This is part of our large Sustainability and Environmental Education initiative in our district.  Lunches will still be on sale in the cafeteria, except for our special Pizza Day that takes place with our Budget Vote on May 15th.  Please see the important attachment for the special Pizza Lunch order for all classes on that day.

Please note that we will be accepting the Student Information sheets until Friday, May 11th.  We appreciate your input as we begin to work together to create the class lists for next year.  As you know, we put great thought and care into placing children into classes where they are sure to thrive and flourish.

Our Earth Day Planting Day will take place on Tuesday, May 15th, at 4:30 PM.  Please join our Character Education Committee, along with many friends, to help to make our school grounds even more beautiful.  We hope to see you there!

May is Teacher Appreciation Month!  As always, we thank our incredible staff for all that they for your children every day.  PVES is such an amazing place of learning, and we thank our teachers for the fantastic work that they do!

Be sure to shop at our Spring Book Fair in the coming week!  The Book Fair will be open during both Open House nights, and classes will visit the Fair during the school days!  Thank you for encouraging the love of reading!

Enjoy our first May weekend!


Ms. Podesta
