Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Thank you so much to the many First Responders who took the time this past week to visit our classrooms for our annual First Responder Read Aloud. This was such a special morning, and our wonderful visitors were able to read to and speak with our students, sharing information about the important work that they do for all of us. We are so grateful to have such strong connections with our community, and we are grateful to all who helped to make this day so successful.

Our school is looking forward to our Halloween celebration on Tuesday. As you know, students may bring their costumes to school to be worn for a part of the afternoon. We do ask that no scary masks or prop weapons be brought in. Our parade is for students and staff only, but we will be sure to post pictures for all to see. Please be safe trick-or-treating with your young ones. Enjoy the fun!

Please check the November calendar carefully to review half-days for students, conference days, and holidays. November is certainly a quick month, with many calendar details. Thank you for checking our calendar highlights.

All families should have received invitations to our Fall Parent/Teacher conferences in November. You are welcome to reach out to any teacher for additional conference times. Classroom teachers will be sharing brief Progress Reports with you at these in-person conferences. This is the perfect time of year to review your child’s progress, and to set learning goals for the school year. We are hoping to meet with 100% of our students’ parents. Thank you for your participation!

Our PTA Fall Book Fair is coming soon! Our Book Fair will take place in the Auditorium from Monday, November 13th, through Friday, November 17th.  All classes will visit the Book Fair at scheduled times. There is no pressure to make purchases, but we welcome your support. We also love to see our students excited about reading!  You will receive more information on Book Fair purchasing soon!

We have a full week of school this week, but school will be closed for students on two days next week: Tuesday, November 7th (Superintendent’s Conference Day), and Friday, November 10th (Veteran’s Day). Our School Picture Retake Day is this Thursday, November 2nd.

Enjoy the last couple of days of October. It looks like the fall temperatures might be back and here to stay.


Dr. Margaret Podesta

