Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that you are enjoying the fall weather, and that your children are having an amazing first quarter of the school year. Our First Quarter Parent Teacher Conferences will be taking place IN PERSON on the following dates:

Tuesday, November 14th:   12:50 – 6:00 PM

Thursday, November 16th:   4:00 – 6:00 PM

You will be receiving Parent Teacher Conference invites from your child’s teachers for a scheduled day and time. At these conferences, classroom teachers will provide you with a brief First Quarter Progress Report, and you will be able to look at your student’s schoolwork as you meet. Please always be sure to reach out to all faculty members with whom you would like to meet for a conference. All teaching faculty can be emailed at first initial, last name@pvcsd.org.

November will be here before you know it, and there are many calendar highlights that should be noted:

Tuesday, November 7th: No school for students (Superintendent’s Conference Day)

Friday, November 10th: Schools closed, Veteran’s Day

Tuesday, November 14th: PVES Half-Day Dismissal (12:00)/Parent Teacher Conferences

Tuesday, November 21st: PVES Half-Day Dismissal

Wednesday-Friday, November 22, 23, 24: Schools closed, Thanksgiving Holiday

We would like to sincerely thank the Putnam Valley Volunteer Fire Department for spending the day with us this past Wednesday. The PVVFD provided Fire Safety Lessons to all grade levels, and they allowed our lucky students to tour the fire trucks and learn many important facts. We thank the PVVFD for the gifts they gave the students (fire hats, water bottles, etc.), and we look forward to our continued partnership with them.

We welcome all First Responders to visit our school on Wednesday, October 25th, between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM for our annual First Responder Read Aloud. If you are a First Responder and would like to read to and visit with one of our elementary classes on that morning, please email me at mpodesta@pvcsd.org. Please share this invite with friends and neighbors. We appreciate your service, and we look forward to welcoming you to our classrooms.

Our PVES students continue to make us proud each day. Thank you for your positive communication and for having your children rested and ready for each school day. Have a great week ahead!


Dr. Margaret Podesta




