Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families!

Happy spring! The days are getting warmer, and the sun is shining longer! We will continue to watch our wonderful PVES students grow and blossom over the next few months. They sure bring the sunshine and smiles!

We have had a wonderful time of celebration over the past week! Our entire PVES school participated in a beautiful send-off for our PVHS Girls’ Basketball Team as they headed off to state competition last week! Our elementary students stood outside and cheered on these amazing student-athletes, complete with signs and applause. Thank you to their teachers for bringing them out to participate in this beautiful community event. And congratulations to the girls’ team on such an incredible season!

On Friday, March 17th, our school was treated to an amazing performance of Irish Dance! We thank high school student, Ava Harman, for arranging this St. Patrick’s Day treat that she set up as part of her community service and IB Diploma. These young, talented dancers from Clan na hEireann School of Irish Dance were so talented, and we were all feeling a bit Irish in our green on Friday. We love to enjoy these special events as a whole school community!

This week, our school looks forward to welcoming teaching colleagues from Todd Elementary School in Briarcliff, who will be visiting some of our classrooms to observe our Scholastic Literacy lessons. We are fortunate to be partnering up with these neighboring educators to grow and share together as learning partners. It is collaboration at its best!

Our third and fourth grade students will be taking part in practice ELA and Math testing during part of the mornings later this week. This will provide the students with good review and practice sitting for a standardized test, and it will also provide the teachers with informative data to help in guiding instruction. New York State exams will take place later in April and in early May. Our students are well prepared!

We are looking forward to the PVES musical, “Annie,” which will be performed on Friday, March 24th, at 7:00 PM. This is sure to be a delight! Good luck to our stars of the stage!

Please be reminded that schools will be closed for spring break from Monday, April 3rd, through Monday, April 10th. Schools will reopen on Tuesday, April 11th. Our third quarter marking period comes to an end on Friday, April 14th. Progress Reports will be sent home shortly after that date. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s teacher.

Enjoy the sunny, warm week ahead! Thank you for all you are doing to support your child’s learning and growth. This is such an exciting time of year!

Dr. Margaret Podesta
