Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

The month of October is going quickly, but it is a wonderful time of learning at PVES. The students are now settled into their classrooms, and they have adjusted to the routines and expectations of their grade levels. Thank you for your ongoing support. We look forward to our first quarter Parent/Teacher conferences in November!

On Wednesday morning, October 26th, we have several First Responders who have reached out to let me know that they would be willing to come in and visit with our students for a short time. If you or a neighbor or family member would like to visit on Wednesday between approximately 9:00 and 10:00 AM, please email me at mpodesta@pvcsd.org. Thank you!

Our Elementary School Picture Day will take place on Thursday, October 27th. Picture Ordering information was sent home with your child on Friday. All classroom teachers will be following our photo schedule for that day. The 4th Grade Group Picture will also be taken on that day for our yearbook. Thank you to the PTA for making this all possible.

All staff and students are welcome to bring Halloween costumes to school for our student parade (for students only) on Monday, October 31st. We ask that no scary masks or prop weapons are brought in. Thank you. We are looking forward to the fun!

Our school will participate in its first mandated Lockdown Drill this week. Our teachers will gently and safely talk through the drill with the children, and it will be brief and efficient. We are always so proud of how our students cooperate and follow safety directions.

Please remember to check the calendar carefully for the month of November. There are several school holidays, conference days, and half-days for the elementary school. Thank you!

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful time of year. The students have had many opportunities for outdoor learning and outdoor play. This is so important.

Keep reading daily with your child and practicing those math facts! Have a great week ahead!


Dr. Margaret Podesta
