Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Thank you so much to our Putnam Valley Volunteer Fire Department for visiting our school this past week and providing important Fire Safety & Prevention lessons to each of our grade levels. The children were able to take a close look at a fire truck and safety equipment, and they were able to learn important safety information. PVES truly appreciates the community support!

Thank you also to our PTA for providing our students with a wonderful assembly with South American music on Friday. This was a wonderful cultural treat for our students during this Hispanic Heritage Month. We feel so fortunate to be able to gather for assemblies again!

Please always be sure to check the Weekly Notices that come with the Weekly Word. We often post information about upcoming events, clubs, and sign-up forms in the notices.

As you know, our PVES School Picture Day will be held next Thursday, October 27th.  A schedule has been sent to all classroom teachers so that they know when individual and class photos will be taken during the day. A retake day will be held in November.

We are still collecting names for First Responders to visit our school on Wednesday, October 26th for a brief time in the morning. If you or someone you know would like to join us to share a bit about your important work, please email me at mpodesta@pvcsd.org.  Thank you!

Please be reminded of our elementary school calendar changes for November.  There will now be two half-days for our ES students (only) on Tuesday, November 22nd, and on Wednesday, November 23rd. Dismissal will take place at 12:00 noon on these two days before Thanksgiving break.

Please be sure to sign up for your November Parent/Teacher conferences according to the posted schedule. All faculty members can be reached by emailing at first initial, last name @pvcsd.org.  We look forward to this important First Quarter communication! Brief Progress Reports from classroom teachers will be given to you at these in-person conferences.

Just a reminder that all staff and students are welcome to bring a costume to school on Monday, October 31st, for our student-centered Halloween Parade. Please be reminded that students should not wear scary masks or carry toy weapons that accompany some costumes. Thank you so much. This parade is for the students only to view. We look forward to the fun.

You should have all received an email from the PTA regarding the school wide PVES Directory Information. Please be sure to fill out the link letting us know if you would like your contact information included in this directory. This will be helpful with sending out birthday party and playdate invites, etc. Thank you for your attention to this PTA email.

Congratulations and best wishes to our school nurse, Mr. Frank Murphy, and to his whole family, on the birth of his son, Riley Francis, on October 10th. Riley joins his big sister to help keep Mom and Dad very busy! We wish you the best, Murphy family!

We are looking forward to a very productive 5-day week ahead! Our students are consistently developing their reading and math skills, along with engaging in enriching learning activities throughout all content areas. Thank you for stressing good attendance, daily reading, and strong homework habits. We are so proud of all the learning that is taking place!

Enjoy this beautiful time of year and all those pumpkins and apples!


Dr. Margaret Podesta
