Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

We are off to a wonderful new school year, and we thank you all for working so closely with us by having your children ready and prepared for school each day. The children are just terrific, and they have certainly brightened the classrooms and hallways of PVES over the past two weeks. We look forward to our first five-day week ahead, complete with our Back-to-School Nights and all intervention services in place.

Please be sure that you have marked your calendars for our Back-to-School Nights being held this week for parents of students in Grades 1-4. (Our Kindergarten BTS Night took place in August). Parents and guardians of students in Grades 3 and 4 are invited to this important curriculum night tomorrow, Monday, September 12th. Parents and guardians of students in Grades 1 and 2 are invited to attend on Tuesday, September 13th. These evening events will run from 6:30 to 8:00 PM each night. Please note that you are welcome to meet with Special Area teachers and Professional Support Staff at 6:30 on both evenings. These meetings will be held in designated school areas. We will then all meet in the Auditorium at 7:00, before you visit your child’s classroom until 8:00 PM. We are aiming for 100% parent attendance on both evenings, as there is a great amount of information that will be shared, and we value your partnership. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. These evenings are for adults only.

Thank you to our PTA for organizing such a fun-filled picnic on Friday night, complete with the Bubble Bus and perfect weather! We love when our community comes together, and we thank you for your enthusiasm. Please be sure to join the PTA this year, as we would love everyone to be involved!

Many of our students spent some great quality time reading every day this summer! How wonderful! If there are students who have not yet handed in their Summer Reading Challenge reading logs, they can still come to the office to pick up their prizes. Thank you to our many local sponsors who help to make this program possible. We love to read at PVES!

This week, our school will begin our mandatory fire and safety drills. During these drills, the students will be gently guided through our safety practices, always with reassuring words and direction. If you have any questions about our safety plan and guidelines, please feel free to reach out to me.

Schools will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, September 26th and 27th, in honor of Rosh Hashanah. Schools will also be closed on Wednesday, October 5th for Yom Kippur, and on Monday, October 10th, in honor of Columbus Day. Schools will dismiss 15 minutes early for an Emergency Evacuation Drill on Friday, October 7th. Thank you for marking your calendars!

Please welcome Mr. James Duffy as a long-term substitute teacher in Physical Education at the elementary school. Mr. Duffy served as a student teacher at PVES last year, and he is being welcomed back warmly by our students. Thank you, Mr. Duffy!

Congratulations to Mr. Christian Evans (first grade teacher) on the birth of his baby girl, Evie June Evans, and to Mr. Tom Wharton (third grade teacher) on the birth of his first child, Claire Rylee Wharton! We are so pleased to share this happy news! And, congratulations and best wishes to Mrs. Erin (Cruikshank) Fazzino, fourth grade teacher, on her beautiful wedding this past month. So much to celebrate!

We are looking forward to seeing all our Grades 1-4 parents this week. Please remember that these Back-to-School Nights are extremely informative, and they are not a time for individual parent conferences. More information on first quarter conferences will be coming your way soon.

Enjoy the week ahead! Thank you for helping to make the start of this new school year go so smoothly, with so many happy faces!


Dr. Margaret Podesta
