Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Welcome back to the 2022-23 school year! Our first two days of school have gone extremely well, and we are so happy to see so many smiles, on the faces of students and teachers, in our building. The year is off to a wonderful start, and we look forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow!

Please be sure that you have marked your calendars for our Back-to-School Nights being held next week for parents of students in Grades 1-4. (Our Kindergarten BTS Night took place in August). Parents and guardians of students in Grades 3 and 4 are invited to this important curriculum night on Monday, September 12th. Parents and guardians of students in Grades 1 and 2 are invited to attend on Tuesday, September 13th. These evening events will run from 6:30 to 8:00 PM each night. Please note that you are welcome to meet with Special Area teachers and Professional Support Staff at 6:30 on both evenings. We will then all meet in the Auditorium at 7:00, before you visit your child’s classroom until 8:00 PM. We are aiming for 100% parent attendance on both evenings, as there is a great amount of information that will be shared, and we value your partnership. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher.

All PVES families are invited to attend our PTA/PVES Back-to-School Picnic on this Friday, September 9th at 5:00 PM. Please join us on the back playground field during these hours to visit with neighbors, meet your child’s new friends, and enjoy some shared desserts. Please bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and a picnic dinner, along with a dessert to share. This is not a drop-off event, and it is important that you supervise your own child during this time. We look forward to the fun!

Our bus arrival and dismissal processes are already going smoothly this year. Please be sure that you send in a dismissal note with your child if you are changing dismissal plans on any day. (The dismissal plans from last year do not carry over, and so new notes are necessary). As you know, an adult must be at the bus stop each afternoon to meet your child. Thank you for being flexible with bus times as we settle into the new year.

School lunches and breakfasts must be purchased this year. (Please check the school website for free lunch applications if needed). If you have any questions about how to purchase your child’s school lunch, please check our school website or call the main office. We are here to answer your questions.

As we begin this new school year, it’s a terrific time for a fresh start. We thank you for helping to keep your child organized and ready for school each day. Structured homework and bedtimes (without electronics) are important, and strong attendance and punctuality are critical to school success. Thank you for speaking positively with your child about school and learning, and please always reach out if you have any concerns or questions.

Thank you to our amazing elementary faculty and custodial staff who worked so hard before the start of the school year to prepare for a smooth opening. The classrooms are clean, organized, and beautifully decorated, and our teachers are organized and ready to support your child’s academic and social progress throughout the year. Your children are in great hands, and we are all so happy to be back!

Have a great week ahead. If you have questions, please reach out to any of your child’s teachers via email at first initial, last name @pvcsd.org. I can be reached at mpodesta@pvcsd.org, and Mrs. Picco, Assistant Principal, can be reached at jpicco@pvcsd.org. We look forward to an amazing year of working together.

See you at the Picnic on Friday!


Dr. Margaret Podesta
