Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

I hope that you have all enjoyed this hot and hazy weekend. It is certainly a busy time of many festivities and celebrations, and we are staying busy each day at PVES as well.

Please be reminded that there will be no school for students on this Friday, May 27th, or on Monday, May 30th, in honor of Memorial Day. Schools will reopen on Tuesday, May 31st. We remember and honor those who have given their lives for our country.

Our Sustainability Fair Days continue for grade levels this week. Please be sure to check the updated schedule. Thank you to Mrs. Bruno and to Mrs. Broas for making these activities possible for our students. Thank you also to the many district volunteers who are helping to run the outdoor learning stations.

Our fourth-grade students will be taking the hands-on portion of their NYS Science tests this week. The students are well prepared for these activities, and they usually enjoy this “lab” work.

We are all looking forward to the Fourth Grade Band & Chorus Concert at PVES on Wednesday, June 1st at 7:00 PM. This concert will be held in the Elementary School Auditorium. I know that we will all enjoy a wonderful show!

Thank you to our PTA for making many in-school assemblies possible this year. The children love to have guest visitors, and these programs help to enrich our academic curriculum. Thank you also to our many Community Readers who were invited to visit our school to share the love of reading with our young learners. This is always such a special day!

Congratulations to Mrs. Erinn Scolpini, fourth grade teacher, on the birth of her baby boy, Nolan Timothy. Baby Nolan was born on May 10th. We wish Mrs. Scolpini and her husband the very best. And best wishes to big brother Charlie too!

Our calendar will be sure to stay busy throughout this final stretch of the school year. Please check our Weekly Notices and the PTA website regularly. Thank you, as always, for your wonderful support of our school district.

Have a great week ahead!

Dr. Margaret Podesta
