Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

Spring is here, and the fourth quarter of the school year is in full swing. Progress Reports have been mailed, and all teachers welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress. If you have not been contacted by your child’s teachers but would like an updated conference or phone call, please reach out to them to schedule a conversation. Communication between home and school is so important, and we welcome the chance to connect with you.

It has been wonderful to see more parents in the building for classroom and grade-level events lately. I thank our amazing faculty for providing opportunities to provide a “window into the classroom” for you, as we all had to go too long without visiting opportunities. We are looking forward to our upcoming concerts, gym show (Tuesday, May 10th), and other calendar events this spring. Our third-grade families are invited to the “Grade 3 Recorder Concert” on Thursday, May 5th, at 7:00 PM at the elementary school.

Thank you to our 1st and 2nd grade families who were able to attend our Parent University Literacy Night this past week. Thank you so much to Mrs. Kerri Burdett, Mr. Jonathan Hogan, Director of Curriculum Mrs. Jackie Levine, Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Luft, and our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Jen Picco, for being part of this wonderful event for both children and adults. The evening was filled with informative reading strategies, read aloud tips, free books, pizza, and ice cream! We look forward to our next Parent University event!

Our elementary students stayed busy celebrating Earth Day this past Friday, April 22nd. We are so fortunate to have wonderful hiking paths, a pond, and outdoor learning centers on our elementary campus. Together as a learning community, we are working hard to become more protective of our precious planet. All grade levels will be participating in Sustainability Fair activities throughout a set day during the week of May 16th through 20th.

Parents, please take the time to review the Student Information Sheet in our Weekly Notices. If you would like to provide information about your child’s learning styles to help with our class placement planning for next year, you are welcome to do so.

Please be reminded that our School District Budget Vote will be held on Tuesday, May 17th, at Putnam Valley Elementary School. We encourage all town residents to vote on that day. If you have budget questions related to the elementary school, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for continuing to support your child’s strong homework and reading habits throughout this very busy time of the year. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Thank you for all you do.


Dr. Margaret Podesta
