Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear PVES Families,

We had a wonderful week at PVES, welcoming the month of March and getting back into our learning schedules after a happy and healthy winter break. Please be reminded that there will be no school for students on this Friday, March 11th due to our Superintendent’s Conference Day. We look forward to a productive 4-day school week ahead!

Kindergarten Registration is in progress! If you have a child who will be 5 years old by 12/1/22, please call our main office at 845-528-8092. Please remind your neighbors and friends in Putnam Valley with children this age to set up a registration appointment. Kindergarten Screening with students will be held in May.

At this week’s Board of Education Meeting, Mrs. Picco and I presented our PVES Budget information for the coming school year. If you were not able to watch this BOE meeting, please be sure to view it online on our school website, www.pvcsd.org. We want everyone to be informed about the happenings of our elementary school. We are so proud of our amazing faculty and students!

In the coming weeks, our third and fourth grade students will be receiving information about our upcoming Gym Show, which will take place in May this year. Our school is also planning for our PVES Musical, the Third Grade Recorder Concert, the Fourth Grade Spring Concert, and some helpful Parent Workshops that will be held to help parents support their young readers. Individual classrooms are beginning to schedule Writing Celebrations and special Parent Events that you will be invited to attend. We are so happy to be welcoming the most important people in our students’ lives back into the building more often. It’s been too long!

Please continue to check the PTA website for upcoming grade level events and Yearbook information! The PTA is very busy providing our students with wonderful opportunities, and we thank you for your support.

Our third and fourth graders will be taking their practice ELA and Math state exams in the coming weeks. This will provide them with a sense of familiarity and comfort for the real testing days. We are so very proud of our students and how eager they are to show their best work in all that they do. This is so very important.

Our students continue to work hard and reach new learning goals. They continue to amaze us each and every day. These children are so positive and resilient. We learn so much from them!

Have a wonderful week ahead!


Dr. Margaret Podesta


