Dear Parents and Students,

We hope that everyone is safe, healthy and weathering this storm. Today ends our second week of distance learning with one more week to go before spring break! We want to thank everyone for their patience during this quick transition to online learning. Now that everyone is settling into routines, we want to provide some helpful tips for students during this time to manage their course work and any possible stress that they may be feeling.

Here are two good resources for managing stress and supporting adolescents during this COVID19 crisis:

Remember this is a new experience for all of us and we are in this together! 

If your child is experiencing any difficulty with classwork or anxiety/ stress, please make sure you have them reach out to a guidance counselor or teacher.

We understand the transition to online learning may take some getting used to for all of us. We put together some suggestions that may be of help to your child. 

How should I start my day?  

What if I am experiencing difficulty in a class? 

How should I handle Google Meet, Zoom or any Video Conferencing? 

Google Meet or Zoom “Norms”: 

 How can I manage my time during online learning? 

One of the most important points for students to remember is that the same rules for school apply to online video conferencing. Please review the video conferencing “norms” with your child so that we ensure all students are aware of how to present themselves online in a classroom setting. 

We miss seeing the students every day and we are keeping our fingers crossed for a return to school at some point. 


Dr. Sandra Intrieri

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