Dear PVHS Families,

As you have recently heard from Dr. Luft, the County Executive has closed school for the next five days in Putnam County with the anticipation that this could lead to additional days of closure. The Corona19 situation is unsettling for everyone. However, I want to reassure all families that our school district is working together to keep students connected and learning.

Our teachers have been working very hard to ensure that education continues! No child should state that they have “no work to do.”  Each teacher has either a Google Classroom or online learning platform to connect with students, and assignments will be posted daily for students to complete. Please note that these assignments will count in student averages, and more importantly, help students to move along with the content to prepare for exams in the late spring. Please encourage your child to set up a daily schedule, login to their Google Classrooms, and spend time each day completing assignments. If your child has any questions, please have your child email his/her teacher for assistance.

Many students did not take home what they needed to continue with their schedule.  If your child has left any materials at school, such as books, instruments, sports equipment, etc., the building will be open on Monday, March 16th until noon and your child can pick up whatever he/she is missing. Mr. Mello and I will be in the building if you need assistance with getting your instrument, equipment or materials.

This closure has led to many disappointments for students. Every child will react differently to the stress of this situation. However, a shared partnership between parents and school will help our students learn the value of connection and the strength of our community. If you are concerned about how your child is reacting to the current situation, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our counseling staff who will be ready to support you and your child.

Mrs. Wayne-

Mrs. Frye-

Mrs. Morales-

Mr. Campion-

Mrs. Davino-

Mrs. Castrillon-

I want to thank all families for their patience and understanding during this challenging time. We will continue to do our best to provide the best possible support for all students as this situation unfolds.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Mello or myself and we will be happy to address your concerns.

I hope that all Putnam Valley families get through this crisis with ease.


Dr. Sandra Intrieri


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