Dear PVES Families,

We are enjoying another full week of school, with great weather and big smiles!  Our students are beginning the year with great excitement and motivation, and we look forward to an amazing school year of growth and learning.  Thank you for having your children here on time every day.  As you know, the elementary school day officially begins at 9:12 AM, and ends at 3:20 PM.  Buses usually leave the school between 3:30 and 3:34 each afternoon.

Thank you to those of you who were able to attend the school picnic last Friday.  I know that many families made the effort to be here, and we hope a good time was had by all.  We look forward to many more exciting social events throughout the school year.  It is always good to celebrate the wonderful community of Putnam Valley!

As some classes begin going on field trips soon, it is important to remind parents that chaperones may not bring younger siblings on the school trips.  We need our chaperones to pay very careful attention to our students, and this, of course, is a special time for you and your child and his/her classmates.  Thank you for understanding this important policy, which focuses on safety, a top priority.

We have a busy month ahead!  There will be no school on Monday, September 30th, and Tuesday, October 1st, in honor of Rosh Hashanah.  Schools will also be closed on Wednesday, October 9th, in honor of Yom Kippur, and on Monday, October 14th, in honor of Columbus Day.  Our School Picture Day will take place on Monday, October 7th.  The fall Scholastic Book Fair will be held at PVES from Monday, October 28th through Friday, November 1st.  Please check the calendar scroll carefully.

As we settle into the new school year, please establish strong and steady routines for your after school and evening hours.  As you know, the children should be completing their homework and organizing it for the next school day as independently as possible each night.  Bedtime and reading routines should stay regular for the children, so that they are well rested for each day.  And please be sure to enjoy this beautiful fall weather with your children after school.  Fresh air and exercise are so important!

Please be sure that you have signed up for a November parent/teacher conference with your child’s teachers.  If you would like to meet with any support staff (AIS, ENL, Speech), please reach out to them directly via email.  We look forward to communicating closely with you throughout the school year.

Enjoy the weekend ahead…the last official weekend of summer!  The weather looks to be terrific!

Please reach out with any questions or concerns.

Ms. Podesta

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