Dear PVES Families,

We hope that you have enjoyed the three-day weekend with your little ones, and that you are ready for a full 4-day school week ahead! This week, our students will learn about Fire Safety during Fire Prevention Week. On Wednesday, we are honored to welcome our Putnam Valley Volunteer Fire Department to PVES.  All grade levels will be able to visit with and learn from our brave community fire fighters. The students will also have the chance to visit the large fire trucks outside. We thank the PVVFD for their time and efforts with our students.

We welcome all First Responders to visit our school on Wednesday, October 25th, between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM for our annual First Responder Read Aloud. If you are a First Responder and would like to read to and visit with one of our elementary classes on that morning, please email me at Please share this invite with friends and neighbors. We appreciate your service, and we look forward to welcoming you to our classrooms.

Our PTA will be collecting information for another school-wide Student Directory. This will be available online, and it will help parents to contact other parents for birthday parties, play dates, etc. Your contact information will only be included if you give permission for the PTA to do so. As a staff, we do not share parent contact information (email, phone number, etc.) with others, unless this is set up through Class Parents. Please be on the lookout for more information from our PTA.

Thank you to Central Hudson and our PTA for providing our first whole-school assemblies this past week. Our students were able to learn about the concept of energy, through the show called The Energy Endgame. We look forward to more educational assemblies soon.

As part of our Character Education and Diversity Committee’s initiatives this year, our elementary classes are showing their kind and respectful behaviors by earning Tiger Paw Prints! When a class earns 25 Paw Prints by demonstrating safe and responsible behaviors in the hallways, at specials, at lunch, and at recess, they earn a reward determined by the teacher. We thank the Committee and the staff for supporting this recognition of great behavior. You will hear about the Paw Prints at home! Go Tigers!

Thank you to this year’s class parents who have stepped up to volunteer to help with our class and grade level activities. Our teachers were able to meet with class parents at our annual Class Parent Tea this past week. We look forward to wonderful collaboration in the year ahead.

Please be sure to mark your calendars for the PVEF Trunk or Treat, which will be held at 2:00 on Sunday, October 29th, in the middle school parking lot. Students are welcome to bring their Halloween costumes to school on Tuesday, October 31st, for our school parade, which is for students and staff only. No scary masks or costume weapons may be worn. Thanks so much for your cooperation.

You will be hearing from your child’s teachers soon with information about signing up for November Parent/Teacher conferences. Please be sure to meet with all of your child’s teachers, as this is a wonderful opportunity to set learning goals for the year ahead.

Have a wonderful week ahead. October is sure to be a quick month. Let’s make the most of it.

Thank you for all your support!


Dr. Margaret Podesta


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