Dear PVES Families,
We hope that you have had a good week, enjoying some extra time with your children at home. As a reminder, schools will be closed on Monday, November 11th, in honor of Veterans Day. Elementary students will dismiss at 12:00 on Thursday, November 14th, because of the parent/teacher conferences scheduled for that date. Thank you for making sure that you have a conference scheduled with your child’s teachers. We look forward to communicating with you!
At these 1st Quarter Conferences, you will be receiving a brief Progress Report that will help to briefly explain what is discussed with your child’s teacher. This is the perfect time of year to set learning goals, discuss any academic or social concerns you may have about your child, and ask questions about classroom expectations. At the end of January, you will be receiving your child’s first Report Card, which will be available at the mid-point of the school year. Please remember that you may always contact any of your child’s teachers if you have questions or concerns. Open, positive communication between home and school will certainly help in supporting your child’s growth and progress this year. When you have questions, please always start by contacting your child’s teachers. They know the students best. Mr. Chickery and I will certainly help with communication whenever necessary.
As the holiday season approaches, our Character Education and Diversity Committee is preparing for its annual Holiday Food Drive. Please see the attachments which describe the food drive in detail. The drive will begin on Tuesday, November 12th, and it will last through Thursday, November 21st. Thank you for helping others, and for allowing your children to be part of this process. They learn so much by observing your very caring actions.
It is the time of year when we are starting to see big fluctuations in temperature, and the colder days are coming. Please make sure that your students are coming to school prepared to go outside for recess every day. Warm jackets, long pants, and hats are important for this time of year. The children will go outside for a 25-minute recess whenever possible, and we want them to be warm enough while they are getting this important fresh air and exercise. Thank you for labeling all clothing items, as our Lost and Found collection grows quickly in the winter months.
Our Kindergarten Show will take place on the afternoon of Friday, November 22nd. Classroom teachers will be sending details about this special day. This first performance by our youngest students will certainly warm the hearts of our audience!
Please continue to check our school calendar scroll. School picture re-takes will take place on Wednesday, November 13th. Schools will be closed from Wednesday, November 27th through Friday, November 29th, for the Thanksgiving holiday. We look forward to welcoming everyone back after the holiday weekend on Monday, December 2nd.
Enjoy the long weekend ahead. We look forward to seeing you at PVES for fall conferences.
Ms. Podesta