Dear PVES Families,

Thank you so much for your contributions to our PVES Toy Drive! You are welcome to continue sending in new, unwrapped toys throughout this week. The donation boxes are located in our main lobby. Your children learn so much by helping others in need. Thank you for your generosity!

Our PVES staff had a great time surprising our students with an “Undercover Spirit Week” this past week. You may have heard that each day, our entire staff participated in a “secret” theme of either dress or fun. From “royalty day” and “flannel day” to “anything but a water cup day,” the students enjoyed the surprises, and the terrific teachers and staff enjoyed the game. The strong spirit of teamwork and community is alive and well at PVES, and I thank Mrs. Aurigemma for the idea, and I thank the entire PVES faculty and staff for their amazing energy and participation. Learning can be fun, and it certainly is at PVES!

This Friday, December 13th will be Pajama Day at PVES! All students and staff are invited to wear Pajamas (no slippers, please) to school for a cozy day to help bring in the winter season. On this day, all students will also be able to visit the Auditorium for a free book give-away from our PVES collection. It will be a warm and happy day of reading, and each student will go home with a gently-used book of their choice!

I would like to take this opportunity to share my appreciation for Ms. Tracy Singleton, who has been teaching AIS reading in our building since September. Mrs. Funicelli will be returning from her child-care leave next week, and so this is Ms. Singleton’s last week with us. Ms. Singleton has done an outstanding job supporting our K-4 students with their reading goals with great skill and knowledge, and I wish her much luck in her future endeavors. We look forward to welcoming back Mrs. Funicelli next Monday.

We are quickly approaching the midpoint of the second quarter of the school year. Please reach out to your child’s teachers if you have any concerns about your child’s academic or social progress. Report Cards will be available at the midpoint of the school year, in late January.

Please be reminded that our district is hosting a Holiday Potluck Night on Monday, December 16th at the Putnam Valley Middle School at 6:30 PM. Please see the attached flyer, and bring a dish to share! We welcome all families to join in the fun and sharing!

Please check our Weekly Notices for any upcoming clubs and school events. We look forward to welcoming our K-2 parents to an ELA Night at PVES on Thursday, January 30th. Please mark your calendars for this informative night for our primary students’ parents!

Enjoy this festive season. Thank you for your kindness and support. Your incredible children continue to shine!

Dr. Margaret Podesta

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