Dear PVES Families,

We have had an extremely busy week here at PVES, and we are looking forward to another great week ahead before spring break.  Please be reminded that our elementary students have an early dismissal on Friday, April 12th.  Our buses will plan to leave the elementary school at 12:00, and parent/teacher conferences will take place here throughout the afternoon.  If you have not been invited to a spring conference and would like to set one up, please contact your child’s teacher(s) directly.  We welcome you to meet with us!

The Original Arts creations by our students are due in school now. This is a wonderful PTA/Art project that will be enjoyed by many!  If you have any questions, please call the school.  The PTA 3rd Grade Event will take place tonight from 7:00 to 8:00 at PVES.  It’s a perfect evening for a Family Game night!  Enjoy!

Please be reminded that our third and fourth graders have been invited to take part in the PTA Spelling Bee!  The first round of this Spelling Bee will be held on Thursday, April 11th, at 8:00 AM in our Auditorium.  Good luck to all of the wonderful competitors!

We have a large lost and found collection that has grown over the recent winter months!  Please be sure to have your children check lost and found for their own belongings before the end of next week.  Parents are welcome to take a look through it on Friday during our afternoon of conferences.  All remaining items will be donated to charity.  Thank you!

Our Character Education and Diversity Committee is running an Easter Basket Drive for the Children’s Home of Poughkeepsie.  Our students love to help others in need. Thank you in advance for your generosity and thoughtfulness!

Our third and fourth graders did a wonderful job completing their New York State ELA assessments this week.  We are so proud of their hard work! Thank you to our teachers who do such a great job teaching them in all subject areas!  The NYSESLAT tests will be administered to some of our students during the upcoming weeks in April and May.  Our students are showing amazing growth at this time of year!

Our spring break will begin on Monday, April 15th and will run through Monday, April 22nd.  Schools will reopen on Tuesday, April 23rd.  The May flowers will be blooming before you know it!

Enjoy the warm weekend ahead!  Third Quarter Progress Reports will be shared with you after next week!

Happy PV Pride Day!
Ms. Podesta

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