Putnam Valley Elementary School

Dear Families of Incoming PVES Kindergarten Students,

I hope this letter finds you well. These are certainly extraordinary times, and we want to reach out to you to make sure you know we are thinking of you and your families, and especially our newest Kindergarten students who are so eager to join us at school in September!  At Putnam Valley Elementary School, we are doing all we can to reassure our current students and also to prepare to welcome our new Kindergarten class of 2020-21.  We all have so much to look forward to!

At this point, New York State schools are closed until May 15th.  Due to the school closures and the importance of social distancing, the Kindergarten Screening dates for early May will be rescheduled.  Therefore, your appointment for May is now cancelled until further notice.

At PVES, we are working on several different plans for possible dates for our Kindergarten Screening, and we will reach out to you with that information when we have it.  At this point, we are hoping to be able to hold screening dates in June, and if that is not possible, we will look at dates in August.  When we know more about what we can schedule, we will make you aware as soon as possible.  Please be assured that if you cannot make it to a scheduled screening date, we will catch up in September, even if school has already started. Either way, we will be ready and waiting for your young child, and we are sure to have a very exciting year ahead!

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unprecedented time. As you know, public schools await direction from the state government, and we are adjusting our schedules from there.  We always put safety first in all that we do, and I do hope that you and your families are all getting through this time with healthy days and special times together in your homes.

We are tentatively planning on holding our Kindergarten Orientation & Bus Run on Wednesday, August 26th, from 9:15 to 10:30 AM.  Kindergarten students and their parents will be invited to this event, with a Back to School Night for Kindergarten parents scheduled for that evening at 7:00 PM.  We will keep you posted if any changes must be made.

Please contact me if you have any questions.  I can be reached at mpodesta@pvcsd.org.  We can’t wait to welcome your children to school in September, but we will be in touch before that.  PVES is a very special place, and your youngsters will make it even more so!

Take good care. I look forward to working with you.


Dr. Margaret Podesta
