Dear PVMS Families, Welcome to the winter season!  This time of year brings joy, happiness, and family gatherings but it also brings attention to emotions that build throughout the entire year.  This is a time to reflect on what went well and changes that could be made for the upcoming calendar year.  Emotions run high and…
Dear PVMS Families, We had over 250 students attend our annual Halloween Bash on the evening of October 26th.   Students and staff had extremely creative costumes this year with some unbelievable themes.  The treats and photo booth were a hit as always.  Please take a look at some of the pictures from the night. The month…
Dear PVMS Families, October is already here and it is hard to believe that we have only had 15 days of school in September!  Our Back to School Nights were a success and we hope you were able to get an idea of your child's day and year ahead.  If you would like to discuss your…
Dear PVMS Families, We are excited to see your children back in school!  The social, emotional, and academic wellbeing of all middle school students will continue to be our focus this year. Establishing a routine will help to promote success.  Please create time where your children can focus on school inclusive of your busy schedules outside of…
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, Welcome to a new school year! Your PowerSchool account will be available for you to view your new class schedule on Friday, August 24th at 11:00 a.m.  A few simple clicks on our website will give you access to everything you need to know about the opening of the 2018-2019 school year. The…
Dear PVMS Families, We hope you are enjoying a well-deserved reprieve from schoolwork and are enjoying time with your families.  Please don't forget to get outside and play and take a break from electronic devices. On behalf of the staff of the Middle School, we wish you a happy, healthy and restful summer.  The 4th quarter and…
Dear PVMS Families, June is here and we are excited for many end of the year activities.  Please check in with your children to ensure that they are putting in the time and effort to be successful over this final stretch. Key Calendar Events Monday, June 4th - 8th Grade Integrated Science Written Assessment Friday, June 8th – Earth…