Author: Jeremy Luft
Msg. from Dr. Luft – Invitation to public meetings
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
On Friday, August 7, Governor Cuomo announced that all New York State schools can reopen. This decision is based on infection rates that are below the thresholds set by New York State. Local districts, under strict New York State Department of Health and New York State Education Department guidelines, have…
Board of Education Meeting Tuesday 8/11/20 -7pm Live Stream @
PVMS – Assistant Principal – Anticipated Appointment
Dear Members of the Putnam Valley Community:
After an extensive search process, I anticipate that the Board of Education will appoint Dr. Letitia Payne to the position of Assistant Principal at the Putnam Valley Middle School tomorrow evening, August 11, 2020, at the scheduled Board of Education Meeting.
Dr. Payne is a graduate of…
Facilities Project Update – August 2020
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
While COVID-19 and the reopening of schools have rightfully consumed a majority of our communications, the focus of this communication will be our ongoing facilities project. Construction continued throughout much of the school closure period and remains on target for substantial completion of the Middle School and Elementary School work…
Reminder – Reopening Plan Survey – Please complete
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
Reopening Plan Survey – Please Complete
Dear Putnam Valley Community: