Hello Putnam Valley Community,

We wanted to say hello and wish you all well in these challenging times.  We have been keeping busy with our families and most recently setting up shop for the emergency workers day care at Once Upon A Time.  We realize that many of you may have questions and we…

An Abstract Expressionism art exhibit. The BeanRunner in Peekskill is hosting an art exhibit of work by our 5th-graders until March 9, 2020. Have a cup of coffee and enjoy their artwork and consider, Who Are You? Congratulations to Ms. Gazzola and our 5th-grade artists!
An Abstract Expressionism art exhibit. The BeanRunner in Peekskill is hosting an art exhibit of work by our 5th-graders until March 9, 2020. Have a cup of coffee and enjoy their artwork and consider, Who Are You? Congratulations to Ms. Gazzola and our 5th-grade artists!An Abstract Expressionism art exhibit. The…	</div>

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