Dear PVMS Families,

We have made it to the midpoint of the school year and February is upon us.  The cold weather has settled in and as a result we spend much more time inside.  Take advantage of opportunities to get outside and/or be active with indoor sports.  At this time it is vital to speak with your children about the impact people can have on one another, and to review your child’s overall progress this year.  Partner with us in reminding your children to make good choices.

Take the time to check Powerschool and see that your children are completing their assignments.  Students must attend their Google Meets when quarantined and attend school regularly in order to be productive and to excel academically.  Our teachers have been extremely flexible and we are hopeful that everyone is engaged in work completion and mastery of our standards.  Teachers may reach out to provide additional times to meet and catch students up on missed work.

Since we have reached the midpoint of the school year it is a nice opportunity to schedule a meeting with your child’s teachers.  This would be accomplished through a Google Meet and it raises awareness around expectations, what is going well, and what can be improved.  Please contact your child’s grade level team leader to schedule a time to meet as I would encourage all families to do so at least one time throughout the school year.

Grade 5 – Lauren Soprano –
Grade 6 – Lee Ann Johnson –
Grade 7 – Sarah Reilly –
Grade 8 – Phyllis Conlin –

On Monday, February 7th we will be sending home paper copies of report cards that will provide information for the first and second quarters of the school year.  Please be on the lookout for these and contact your child’s teacher(s) if you have any questions.

We will also be making a change to our practice of recognizing students who attain honor roll and high honor roll status.  Currently this is noted on report cards, posted on our PVMS website, and shared on our displays in school.  The list of students will now be shared on social media through district communications.  In addition, families of students that meet the criteria will receive a ConnectEd phone call letting them know to check their email.  We will send electronic certificates for both honor roll and high honor roll in a pdf format.  Congratulations to all of our students who work to reach this status.

Winter Recess will take place from February 21st through February 25th.  Students will not have school on these days.  Classes will resume on Monday, February 28th. 

With winter in full force and the snowfall upon us, please make sure that students have a plan if we were to dismiss early.  We want to ensure all students have a place to go and/or a key to a house.  This will help reduce the anxiety that an early dismissal brings.  In addition, our delay schedules can be found on our website.

Please continue to monitor your children for any illness or symptoms and consider taking a COVID test if they become symptomatic.  In the event that symptoms develop, your child must begin to quarantine and be cleared before returning to school.  

As always, we partner to give children the best experience possible.  We look forward to a great start to the second half of our school year.


Travis W. McCarty

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