Dear PVMS Families,
We continue to foster Tiger P.R.I.D.E. at PVMS. Through perseverance, responsibility, integrity, dedication, and empathy, we continue to grow as life long learners. In February, we’re looking for students who consistently demonstrate dedication to be our Students of the Month. How will our students show their PVMS P.R.I.D.E.?
Our students and teachers have been working hard at addressing our NYS standards. Take the time to discuss their progress with them and take an interest in not only their academic growth but also all of the great work being done in Advisory Classes in reference to social and emotional growth.
On Tuesday, February 4th we will be sending home paper copies of report cards that will provide information for the first and second quarters of the school year. Please be on the look out for these and contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Winter Recess will take place from February 15th through February 23rd. Students will not have school on these days. Classes will resume on Monday, February 24th.
On Friday, February 28th our 5th grade art students will have their artwork on display at the Bean Runner Café in Peekskill. The work will be on display for some time but the opening 5th Grade Exhibition will be from 4:00PM to 8:00PM on that day. Please come out and support our students by visiting the exhibit.
As always, we partner to give children the best experience possible. We look forward to a fantastic February full of good choices.
Travis W. McCarty