December 2024Dear PVMS Families,

We have three full weeks of school in December before we welcome in a new year.  Make sure to slow down a bit and enjoy the festive time with your family.  The holiday season always reminds us that we have so much to be thankful for. This season also brings about many emotions.  Please be vigilant in lending a hand to those in need and help to make us aware so we may work together in providing any support that we can as a school community.

For the month of December the PVMS Student Council will be running a Winter Clothing Drive.  Items being collected are: gently used or new coats, hats, gloves, and mittens. 

Please do NOT donate items that have holes, rips, missing buttons, broken zippers or stains. Please do not donate items if there is pet hair embedded in the fabric.  You or your children may bring your donation items to the collection bin outside the main office starting December 2nd.  All items should be dropped off in plastic bags.  Thank you to all of our families that will be donating to this great cause.

We have not had a substantial snowfall yet with only a few flurries, but our temperatures have been dropping.  With these colder temperatures, please have your children bundle up.  They should be wearing jackets and be prepared for outdoor recess and physical education classes while enjoying the fresh air.

There are many items in our lost and found.  A vast majority of the items include sweatshirts, jackets, water bottles, and lunch boxes. Please label all of your child’s items so that we can return them if they are misplaced.  Feel free to remind your children to check the lost and found if you feel they are missing items.  Those items that are not claimed will be donated to one of our clothing drop off sites to go to those in need at the end of this month.


There is always the possibility of snow or icy road conditions moving forward and it is good to have a contingency plan in place.  In the case that we may have an early dismissal, it is imperative to provide your children with a house key or a plan to go to a neighbor’s or relative’s house.  Create a plan and be prepared,  this will help everyone, without creating stress during these situations.  Please see the following delay schedule, which can also be found on our website under the About Our School tab.  

Upcoming Events: 

Virtual Parent Workshop – Tuesday, December 4th @ 6:00PM (emails being sent out with additional information)

Encore 2 Ends – Grades 5 & 6 – Friday, December 6th 

Midpoint of Quarter 2 – Friday, December 13th.  Please check PowerSchool for updated comments and grades on Thursday, December 19th.

Concert season is upon us!  All concerts will take place in the Putnam Valley High School Performing Arts Center (PAC).

5th and 6th Grade Chorus – Tuesday, December 10th at 7:00PM

7th and 8th Grade Chorus – Wednesday, December 11th at 7:00PM

Snow Date for Chorus Concerts – Thursday, December 12th  at 7:00PM

5th and 6th Grade Band – Tuesday, December 17th at 7:00PM       

7th and 8th Grade Band – Wednesday, December 18th at 7:00PM 

Snow Date for Band Concerts – Thursday, December 19th  at 7:00PM   


Holiday Recess will begin on Saturday, December 21st and go through Wednesday, January 1st.  We will resume classes on Thursday, January 2nd.  Please note that we will be disabling chromebooks so that our students can spend time with their families over the holiday break.  Please make sure that these devices are fully charged for a return on Thursday, January 2nd.

This time of year brings wonder, excitement, and family gatherings and also brings attention to other emotions that build throughout the entire year.  This is a time to reflect on what went well and changes that could be made for the upcoming calendar year.  Emotions run high and it is extremely important to be sensitive to what everyone might be challenged with on a daily basis.  Please remind your children to be empathetic toward one another and to be responsive to everyone’s needs if possible.  Words matter and we must be thoughtful and kind to everyone as it is impossible to know what everyone is going through.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season with your families.  Be sure to spend time with your children and discuss the importance of forming relationships, working hard, and building character.  It is through making good choices and setting examples for others that everyone learns and grows on a daily basis.  Monitor your child’s progress and partner with us in establishing the best experience possible for our children.  Our school year has been smooth thus far and we are so proud of the progress your children have made.  We look forward to an exciting and opportunistic 2025!


Travis W. McCarty


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