Dear Putnam Valley Community,

This morning, more than 50 superintendents met with New York State Officials, a legislative representative and State Education Department officials to discuss the public health concern that the COVID-19 coronavirus poses to our communities and our schools.  In this meeting, there was a collective concern for the safety of our students, staff, and our respective communities.  We believe that some immediate action is necessary.

The Putnam Valley School District will be using two emergency closure days to close schools on Monday, March 16, 2020, and Tuesday, March 17, 2020.  This school closure will be consistent with the model of social distancing that has been recommended by the CDC and many medical professionals.  There are many unanswered questions for school districts at this time; both as they relate to the potential for the spread of COVID-19 within our schools, as well as the logistical implications for schools.  Please know at this date and time there are still no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Putnam County and there have been no cases of direct exposure in Putnam Valley.

As a region, it is our expectation that we will obtain further guidance from New York State related to our questions and concerns during this temporary closure.  Based on the information available on Tuesday, the status of the school closing will be re-evaluated.   It would be prudent for parents to prepare for an extended school closing as are our teachers.

During this closure, all afterschool and evening events will be canceled and outside groups will no longer have access to our facilities. The Middle School play scheduled for tonight will not take place as scheduled.  Please expect a communication from Mr. McCarty.  We anticipate that distance learning opportunities will begin for all students on Monday.  In the event of an extended closure beyond Tuesday, the district is actively developing contingency plans to support those who have qualified and receive free meals, more details will be shared in the near future.

We understand the challenges and hardships that this decision may pose to our school families.  Please trust that this was not an easy decision for any school district.  However, we are at a critical juncture for the greater good of our school community and that of the people of New York.

We remain committed to continuing to educate and support our students throughout this closure.  The district will continue to closely monitor this situation and remain in contact with public health professionals. We will maintain regular communication with our school community for the duration of the closure.  Please stay tuned for updates.

During this critical time, our continued partnership and care for one another is essential to successfully navigate this challenge.


Dr. Jeremy Luft
Superintendent of Schools

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