Dear Putnam Valley Parents and Guardians:

Thank you all for your partnership as we continually work to keep our students and staff healthy.

Please remember to complete the home health screening form each day your child is scheduled to be in our school buildings.

To best assist our buildings and to avoid reminder phone calls and emails, here are a few tips for success:

Daily Student Home Screening Form (one per child):
This link can also be bookmarked to the homepage of your cell phone.

Home Health Screening:  The screening must include a temperature check.  If your child exhibits any of the symptoms related to COVID-19, they should be kept home from school.  Students who continue to exhibit symptoms should be seen by a doctor and provide a note before returning to school.

Symptomatic/Sick Children:  Students who exhibit symptoms associated with COVID-19 must stay home from school and be cleared by a doctor and symptom-free before returning to school.  Please review this CDC link for more detailed information:

Reinforce Healthy Practices at Home:

I am very proud of our school community.  Keep up the good work.

Thank you,

Dr. Jeremy Luft
Superintendent of Schools

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