Dear Putnam Valley Staff and Community:

I am writing to inform our community and staff that last evening at the Ossining School Board meeting, Mike Hanna, Assistant Principal of the Middle School, was appointed to the position of District Director of Technology. Mr. Hallisey and I want to congratulate Mr. Hanna on this exciting professional recognition. Mr. Hanna fulfilled a similar position in Putnam Valley in prior years, and his passion for technology has never diminished. Most recently, Mr. Hanna was a leader on the District’s technology committee, and a curriculum facilitator of the bond act initiative as we explored makers-space/active learning center projects in our schools. Mr. Hanna has collaborated in numerous technology ventures, including a recent introduction of the new Learning Management System, Canvas.

As a dedicated member of our leadership team, Mr. Hanna will be missed. We are deeply appreciative of his long service to our students and community. We wish him well as he forges a new path on behalf of Ossining staff and students.

We will be posting internally an interim position for the second semester, so that we can take advantage of a 30-day transition period, and will proceed with next steps later in the spring.


Dr. Frances Wills
Superintendent of Schools

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