Dear Parents and Guardians,

There has been great discussion and sensitivity around events happening in surrounding communities.  We understand the increased sense of awareness around the coronavirus (COVID-19) and have been cleaning our facilities and reminding students to wash their hands thoroughly.  In response to the guidance we have received from local health officials, we are encouraging the practice of “social distancing” when practical.  Accordingly, we have issued new guidance regarding our upcoming performance of “The Addams Family”.

Our Middle School musical, “The Addams Family,” is scheduled to be performed on Friday, March 13, and Saturday, March 14, at 7:00 PM.  At this time, we are requesting that attendance at the performances be limited to one parent per cast or crew member of that evening’s show.  All others will be able to view a live stream of the performance online and free of charge.  Similar to the streaming service that was provided during yesterday’s basketball game, we intend to provide a live stream for both the Friday and Saturday night performances. This will help to greatly reduce the number of people in attendance.  Seating will be limited for each performance and will be set up to provide additional space between seats.  Anyone not attending may return their ticket to the Main Office for a full refund.

These are certainly unprecedented times, and we are doing everything in our power to keep our students, staff, and community safe and healthy.  Our cast and crew have put a tremendous amount of time and effort into this performance. It is my belief that the “show must go on” but that doesn’t mean that we cannot allow the show to continue while supporting the guidance of social distancing.

We will have a live stream of the show that can be viewed starting at 7:00 PM on both evenings.  Please click on the links below. These links are not public and should only be shared with immediate family.  Please do not post or share.

Friday –

Saturday –

Thank you for your understanding and for your support of our hard-working students.


Dr. Jeremy Luft
Superintendent of Schools

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