Dear Putnam Valley Community: 

Even if you did not see the Putnam Valley High School musical this year, you must have felt the exuberance from our Performing Arts Center this weekend. Billy Elliot was a brilliant star that illuminated hearts and minds with the joy of youth expressing its inner vibrancy of spirit. “All we have to do is shine,” is a message that we hope our students take with them on their journey; their inner light, once free, makes the world a better place for all of us. We are grateful to all who participated in this amazing PVHS TheatreWorks production, over 80 students (cast,crew,orchestra), with special appreciation to our exceptional Director, Dr. Micera and the staff that supports this effort with love every year. 


Dr. Frances Wills

Superintendent of Schools

 Find pictures on the PVCSD App – under the Photos icon (no social media needed) or on the Putnam Valley Central School District Facebook page.  

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