Author: Jeremy Luft
Update – hold in place – all buildings cleared by law enforcement
Out of an abundance of caution, after the high school was cleared, our elementary and middle schools were asked to do a "hold in place" and law enforcement has now completed an inspection of all of our school buildings including all buildings on our elementary school campus.
Classes will resume as scheduled.
We hope to be able to share additional information…
Together we will keep our schools safe
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
The tragic events at The Covenant School in Nashville weigh heavy on our hearts and serve as yet another reminder of the importance of the policies and procedures we have in place to keep our students and staff safe. As we do after any school-involved shooting, we will work directly…
Message from Dr. Luft – HS Parking Lot Theft
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating the theft of a catalytic converter from a car parked in our High School Parking lot. The school district is providing the Sheriff’s office with all available information to help expedite the investigation. We are making plans to increase supervision of the parking lot…
Tomorrow, Thurs 3/16-5:45 pm Superintendent’s Listening Hour / BOE Meeting 7pm
Dear Putnam Valley Families:
Please consider joining me for a Listening Hour tomorrow, Thursday, March 16, in our High School library beginning at 5:45 pm. This meeting will be held just prior to our regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting and is an opportunity for us to get to talk in a casual setting. The goal…
Update on administrative positions
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
As we move beyond the holiday season, we are refocusing our attention on our academic program. While there are many exciting initiatives underway, extracurricular activities to enjoy, and opportunities to celebrate student success on the horizon; I would like to take a moment to address some of our current administrative positions.
As we…
Update PVES Water Testing and Filtration System
Good afternoon Putnam Valley Community:
I am writing as a follow-up to a message that was originally shared with the Putnam Valley School Community on December 28, 2020. As noted in that communication (click here) a new law required school districts to begin testing their drinking water for two specific chemicals (PFOA & PFOS), by…
Early Dismissal tomorrow, Friday, December 23, 2022
Dear Putnam Valley Community:
Due to the forecast for inclement weather and the potential for rapidly deteriorating road conditions tomorrow afternoon, all Putnam Valley Schools will dismiss early, tomorrow, Friday, December 23, 2022. Reports indicate that a severe drop in temperatures could impact late afternoon and evening travel. To ensure everyone gets home safely, the middle…