Author: Alex Gofman
Handwashing: A Family Activity
Handwashing is an easy, cheap, and effective way to prevent the spread of germs and keep kids and adults healthy. When your family is healthy, you don’t have to worry about missing school, work, or other activities.
7 ways to prevent holiday stress — for your children
The holidays can be hectic — and tense. Between buying presents, holiday events, entertaining, traveling, and family gatherings, what should theoretically be fun has a way of becoming stressful.
Holiday toys for kids: “Back to basics” is best
It’s the holiday season, time for buying toys for the children in our lives. As we do, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) encourages us to think about buying toys that can actually help children as they grow and develop.
How to Keep Your Children Healthy During the Winter
As parents, what are some winter health tips for cold and flu season, and the winter months in general, to help ensure a safe season?