PV Schools

Dear Students, Staff, Parents, and Community Members of Putnam Valley,

Today marks the opening of what would have been the PVHS TheatreWorks 2020 spring musical production of Young Frankenstein.  In my wildest dreams, I never could have envisioned the unprecedented and unbelievable challenges we are all enduring –  and the subsequent, first ever cancelation of Putnam Valley High School’s annual spring musical. Today, my heart breaks for the over 70-plus students (cast, crew, and orchestra pit instrumentalists) who were deprived of their treasured opening night and weekend of performances.  For our seniors involved with this show, their loss is especially impacting as for some this was to have been a capstone experience representing nearly 4 years of anticipation, and their last opportunity with the TheatreWorks program.

Many may not realize that our show was already cast and well into rehearsal when the entire process was jarringly halted by the intrusion of this loathsome virus.  The set was nearly finished being built by our production stage crew, the costumes were being designed, we had wrapped up our final production meeting – everything was at the ready, and then everything changed.

 It is a disheartening loss for all involved and all who’ve been so supportive.  However…as we say in show business, “the show must go on!” As such, the production team is working on a virtual showcase of Young Frankenstein that will feature highlights of the music, scenes, and dances from the show.  We are currently rehearsing for this showcase using distance-learning formats. Joining us in this process, despite having been sent back to his home country of Switzerland due to the pandemic and still portraying the lead role of Dr. Victor Frankenstein, is Maxime Dumoulin!  Details of this showcase, as they emerge, will be shared with the Putnam Valley community.

On behalf of Jennifer Cahill (choreographer/assistant director), Ryan Odell (orchestra pit conductor), Joann Peppard and Susi Cummings (production managers), the full production team, the high school staff and administration, and myself, I wish to give the entire cast, crew and pit orchestra a heartfelt virtual standing ovation today, tomorrow, and Sunday!  If you are at home with any of the cast, crew, or pit members, at one or more points this weekend, just start applauding them…randomly. Remind them that although your clapping is but one sound, it is being echoed all this weekend by those who applaud their talents, efforts and commitment…and that echo of recognition and support, no virus can ever silence.


Dr. Gerard Micera

PVHS TheatreWorks Director
